Workshop: “Inca Perceptions of Time” (Online)
February 26, 2021
3 pm - 5 pm (CET)
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jan Szemiński (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Einstein Center Chronoi)
Among the divergent Amerindian Civilizations that range from Aztecs, Mayas and Toltecs in Mesoamerica to Chibchas in today’s Colombia and Iroquois in today’s USA and Canada, the Inca are a particularly fruitful case study. Incas and their civilization exist even today in Andean countries, both as a way of life and as a political program, so written sources from the 16 and 17th c. and Inca artefacts from the 15-17th c. can be complemented by oral traditions recorded since the 19th c. in Spanish and Quechua. Drawing on these sources, the workshop attempts to obtain a fuller understanding of Inca perceptions of time and space.
15:00-15:12 | Dr. Bat-Ami Artzi (independent scholar)
Andean Artistic Strategies for Describing Time Notions in Visual Culture
15:12-15:24 | Dr. Margit Gutmann (independent scholar)
Astronomy and the Inca Pilgrimage of the Sun or Time, Space and Astronomy in Quechua Oral Tradition
15:24-15:36 | Prof. Dr. Marco Curatola Petrocchi (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
Looking for the future in the past: Oracles, pilgrimage and the concept of time in the Inca world
15:36-15:55 | Discussion
15:55-16:07 | Prof. Dr. em. Jan Szemiński (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, EC-Chronoi)
Inca theory of History in time and space
16:07-16:19 | Prof. Dr. em. Gary Urton (Harvard University)
The Inka Khipu As a Space/Time Coordinate System
16:19-16:31 | Prof. Dr. Mariusz Ziółkowski (Warsaw University)
Inca calendars
16:31-16:50 | Discussion
16:50-17:00 | Final Discussion