Chronoi Talks: “Time and Materials: Archaeoscience Approaches to Prehistoric Temporality”
October 21, 2021
3 - 4 pm (CET)
Dr. Eva Rosenstock (EC-Chronoi; University of Bonn)
Investigating questions of time beyond dating has always been a challenge for prehistoric archaeology. However, the last two decades have seen major advances in archaeological science that revealed previously hidden material evidence. As a result, sources such as stable isotopes, proteomics, and aDNA are now at hand and can potentially be tapped to better understand timed processes in archaeology. Using examples ranging from prehistoric lambing seasons to food preparation and from human mobility to the tempo-spatiality of burials, this talk will provide a tour d'horizon of the archaeological science of time management and time awareness as an emerging field for EC-Chronoi and beyond.
The recording of this talk will be uploaded soon, please check back for updates.