Workshop: “Kairos, Krisis, Rhythmos. Time and Time Awareness in Ancient Medicine”
February 18, 2020
9 am - 6.15 pm
Presentation of the Research Group
‘Kairos, Krisis, Rhythmos. Time and Time Awareness in Ancient Medicine’
Einstein Center Chronoi
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 7
14195 Berlin
(click the title of the presentation to read the abstract)
9.15 – 9.30 | Christoph Markschies and Philip van der Eijk (Einstein Center Chronoi; HU Berlin)
Welcome and Introduction
9.30 – 11.00 | Section 1: Pulse Theory and Measurement
Orly Lewis (Hebrew University Jerusalem; Einstein Center Chronoi)
Perceiving and Measuring the Pulse in Ancient Greece and Rome
P. N. Singer (Einstein Center Chronoi)
Galen on Pulse, Perception and Time
Sean Coughlin (HU Berlin; Einstein Center Chronoi)
The Pneumatists on Time, Body, Vitality
11.00 – 11.20 | Coffee Break
11.20 – 12.20 | Section 2: Critical Days and Periodic Fevers
Christine Salazar (HU Berlin; Einstein Center Chronoi)
Galen’s Theory of Critical Days, as Reflected in his Hippocratic Commentaries
Glen Cooper (Einstein Center Chronoi)
12.30 – 14.00 | Lunch Break
14.00 – 15.00 | Section 3: Methods of Time Keeping and Time Management
Kassandra Miller (Bard College, NY)
Medical Kairoi and Hourly Timekeeping: Case Studies from Galen of Pergamon
15.00 – 16.00 | Section 4: The Pulse in Islamicate Medicine
Nayhan Fancy (DePauw University)
The Theory of Pulse in the Arabic Canon Commentaries
16.00 – 16.30 | Break
16.30 – 17.30 | Section 5: Time in Early Modern Medicine
Concetta Pennuto (University of Tours)
Time in Early Modern Clinical Case Histories of Female Patients
17.30 – 18.15 | Section 6: Roundtable