Workshop: “Creationism and the Calculation of Time in Late Antiquity: Between Alexandria and the Land of Israel”
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Maren R. Niehoff and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christoph Markschies
July 31, 2023
Prof. Dr. Maren R. Niehoff (HUJI)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christoph Markschies (HU Berlin/BBAW)
Einstein Center Chronoi
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 7, 14195 Berlin
Registration for participation at this address: rabe@chronoi.org
9:30 – 9:45
Welcome and Workshop Opening
Maren Niehoff & Christoph Markschies
9.45 – 10.30
Some Aspects of Time and Eternity in Philo’s De aeternitate mundi
Glenn W. Most (University of Chicago)
10.30 – 11.15
Cyclical Time: The Creation and Conflagration of the World in Philo, Josephus and Rabbi Abbahu
Maren Niehoff (Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem)
11.15 – 11.30 | Coffee & Tea Break
11.30 – 12.15
“Day One” as a Measure of Time in Philo of Alexandria and John Philoponus
Ludovica de Luca (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
12.30 – 14.00 | Lunch Break
14.15 – 15.00
Self–Perception and the Phases of Life: Stoic Responses to the Passage of Time in Philo of Alexandria and the Latin Tradition
Sergio Marin (Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem)
15.00 – 15.45
The Concept of Time in Origen
Christoph Markschies (BBAW)
15.45 – 16.00 | Coffee & Tea Break
16.00 – 16.45
From Time to Time: Winter and Spring Time as Eschatological and Mystical Time Aspects in Origen’s Interpretation on Song of Songs
Almut Bockisch (Humboldt University of Berlin)
16.45 – 17.30
Time in the Context of the Consolation Prophecies: Between Jerome, Rabbinic Literature and Non–Rabbinic Jews
Oz Tamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
17.30 – 18.00
Final Discussion and Closing Remarks
Moderated by Maren Niehoff & Christoph Markschies