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Dr. Andreas Winkler


Research Interests:

Graeco-Roman Egypt; Coptic; Demotic; Papyrology; Ancient Divination; Social and Economic History; History of Science and Medicine; Ancient Egyptian Religion; Bilingualism; Scribal Practices; Onomastics


Andreas Winkler is currently an externally funded researcher at Stockholm University working on two projects related to Graeco-Roman and Late Ancient Egypt. He has held research and teaching positions at various institutions, including UC Berkeley, Brown University, and the University of Oxford. His research concerns areas such as philology, ancient Egyptian astral science, and socio-economic history from late Pharaonic times to the Byzantine period and is largely interdisciplinary in nature. In addition to the research conducted at Chronoi, Andreas has a particular interest in the roles and transformation of indigenous Egyptian priestly elites in the Late and Graeco-Roman periods.

Project Abstract

The project contributes to the examination of how horoscopes reflect the construction of time in Graeco-Roman Egypt, that is, how various periodical phenomena, e.g. planetary orbits, contribute to the notion of a unique moment that determines fate in terms of the length and quality of an individual's life. This will primarily be achieved through a study of a corpus of eight previously unpublished horoscopes written in Egyptian that are unique in terms of astronomical detail. My project will attempt to describe the intellectual setting of these texts and elucidate the required astronomical knowledge behind their construction. 

Curriculum vitae

Since 2016

Researcher, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University 


Departmental Lecturer, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford 


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Egyptology and Assyriology, Brown University


Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, Bancroft Library/Department of Classics, University of California, Berkeley  


Departmental Lecturer, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford 


Acting Senior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University  


Doctor of Philosophy, Egyptology, Uppsala University (includes course work at Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen) 

Selected Publications

‘Mouchis and its Crocodiles: Topography, Toponymy, and Theonymy’. The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 55, 229-251, 2018.

‘A Starry Summer Night in AD 142: A Theban Horoscope (Griffith MSS. 3.59) in Context’, in F. A. J. Hoogendijk, C. J. Martin, and K. Donker van Heel (eds), Hieratic, Demotic, and Greek Studies and Text Editions. Of Making Many Books There is No End: In Honour of Sven P. Vleeming, Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 34. Leiden, Brill, 298-308, 2018. 


‘Chaldeans on the Nile: Two Egyptian Astronomical Procedure Texts with Babylonian Systems A1 and A2 for Mercury’, in C. Jay Crisostomo et al. (eds), “The Scaffolding of Our Thoughts”: Essays on Assyriology and the History of Science in Honor of Francesca Rochberg, Ancient Magic and Divination 13. Leiden, Brill, 382-419 (co-authored with M. Ossendrijver), 2018. 


'Some Astrologers and their Handbooks in Demotic Egyptian', in J.Steele (ed.), The Circulation of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ancient World, Time, Astronomy, and Calendars 6; Leiden, Brill, 245-286 , 2016.


'A Contribution to the Revenues of the Crocodile in the Imperial Fayum: The Temple Tax on Property Transfer Revisited'. The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 52, 239-263, 2015.

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