Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen
Research Interests:
Medieval literature, historical narratology, lists and practices of enumeration in literature, narrative theory, cognitive approaches to literature
Eva von Contzen studied English Literature and Classics at the Ruhr-University Bochum and NUI Maynooth (Ireland). In 2012, she obtained her Ph.D. on the topic of medieval saints' legends and their narrative art. She joined the Department of English at the University of Freiburg in 2016, where she holds a tenure track professorship in English Literature including the Literatures of the Middle Ages. Her research is located at the intersections of medieval literature, literary history, narrative theory, cognitive approaches to literature, and contemporay literature in diachronic perspective.
Project Abstract
(A)synchronous Temporality: Translating Antiquity (joint project with Prof. Dr. Karin Kukkonen)
The project investigates (a)synchronicity through the temporal dimension of narrative in translation. We foreground three aspects: (1) the temporal dynamics of the plot; (2) the temporal distance of the narrator to the events told; (3) the “implied temporality” of the translation to its historically distant original. We pursue these aspects through a detailed analysis of Chaucer’s “The Knight’s Tale” (as a reworking of Statius) and Charles Gildon’s early modern translation of Heliodorus’ Aethiopica, to develop a narratologically and historically informed understanding of (a)synchronicity.
Curriculum vitae
Since 2017
Tenure Track Professor of English Literature including the Literatures of the Middle Ages,
English Department, University of Freiburg
Assistant Professor of English Literature, English Department, University of Freiburg
Assistant Professor of Medieval English Literature and Culture, English Department, Ruhr-University Bochum
Research Assistant, DFG-funded research project on Marco Girolamo Vida’s Christiad, Classical Philology, Ruhr-University Bochum
Funding and Stipends
Principal Investigator, ERC Starting Grant, “Lists in Literature and Culture: Towards a Listology (LISTLIT)"
Co-applicant and Investigator, Graduate Research School 1767 “Factual and Fictional Narration”, University of Freiburg
Visiting Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
Principal Investigator of the scientific network “Medieval Narratology”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG-Netzwerk)
External Junior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
Selected Publications
2018. "Experience, Affect, and Literary Lists." Partial Answers 16 (2): 315-27.
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