About Us
The Einstein Center Chronoi (EC-C) has been founded in order to investigate time and related aspects such as awareness of time, time management, time reckoning and temporality in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary formats under the rubric of “Chronoi”.
Time is structured differently in different cultural spaces, societies, and eras. It often happens that multiple concepts of time exist in parallel, with one of them functioning as the dominant concept. But, what triggers the formation of concepts of time and the resultant implications, such as chronometry, historiography, work structures, and so on? Perspectives on “time” are every bit as varied as the concepts themselves; only three will be referred to here:
First, when notions of time are foregrounded, the principle of temporal diversity or multitemporality reveals itself in the coexistence not only of different local times, but also of different functional times and different time narratives.
Second, when the focus is on the morphology and syntax of time, in other words, when one examines ways in which time is structured (as atomistic units or as motion or flux) time-reckoning, that is, the classification of events, processes, changes, movements, and actions, occupies center stage.
Third, qualitative time emphasizes the predicators of the experience of time, with reference not only to individuals, but also to societies and even to large-scale historical configurations and historical models. The thesis holds that all three perspectives can be traced back to the aforementioned three phenomena: rhythm, dynamics, and coordination.
The research approach to be tested and developed as part of the Einstein Center no longer focuses on time as time; it does not seek to develop a new theory that combines various approaches or to develop building blocks for such a mega-theory. The focus is much rather on three time-correlated phenomena:
Rhythm, Dynamics, and Coordination.
The three phenomena can equally be viewed from both a disciplinary and an interdisciplinary perspective. In the course of our discussions we have therefore selected the following five topics where the topic described above will be made concrete.
Awareness of Time – The Interplay of Perception of Time and the Sense of Time
Concepts of Time and Historical Epistemology
Social Time – Planning, Coordination, and Formation of Concepts of Time
Object Timing – Timing Objects
The Temporality of Research.
The Research Collegium of the Einstein Center Chronoi, is a place where interdisciplinary and hence unpredictable research is conducted on a disciplinary basis. Its purpose is to enable Berlin researchers and their foreign colleagues to cooperate intensively in collective groups oriented towards specific topics. The Collegium is designed to function as a think tank where scholars from different disciplinary cultures can come together to discuss and research the topic of the EC-C and gain knowledge on awareness of time, organization of time, and concepts of time.