We are pleased to introduce two new Fellows:

Paul Delnero is Professor of Assyriology at Johns Hopkins University. His project examines the perception of time in ancient Mesopotamia, focusing on short durations rather than the conventional emphasis on centuries or millennia. By analyzing scribal exercises from the elementary sign list Syllable Alphabet B, the study aims to reconstruct how long it took students to learn to write. The outcome of the project will include a theoretically and empirically study of the role of time in writing learning and the changing experience of time at different stages of the learning process.

Annapaola Passerini is an archaeological scientist specializing in radiocarbon dating. Her project, Continuity, Change, and the Dynamics of Time: A Chronometric Study of Multitemporal Assemblages, challenges the way archaeological chronologies represent time. By applying high-resolution radiocarbon dating and Bayesian modeling to Bronze Age South Caucasus assemblages, the research distinguishes the dynamics of human generations from the temporalities of inherited and created materials. Challenging typological paradigms that conflate human and material time, the project proposes an approach that prioritizes organic life in archaeological chronologies.