We are pleased to welcome three new Fellows who joined us last January with remarkable projects.

Dr. Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, Chargé de Recherche Hors Classe at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France, explores the dynamic relationship between time and space in early China through an innovative methodology that integrates early textual sources and maps drawn as commentaries or reflections on these texts. This innovative methodology, previously tested in 2021, challenges traditional perceptions by bridging the gap between specialists in early China and historians of cartography.

Dr. Goce Naumov is an Assistant Professor at Goce Delćev University and an Educator at the Museum of Macedonia. His project explores the reconstruction of past time using archaeological methods, digital tools, and anthropological theory, focusing on the accuracy and consistency of methods. It centers on the application of radiocarbon dating to the Neolithic period in the Balkans. By recalibrating dates from recent excavations and using statistical modeling, it aims to pinpoint when and where the first Neolithic settlements emerged and how long they lasted.

Dr. Filiz Tütüncü Çağlar is an Archaeologist and Art Historian specializing in the History of Archaeology with additional expertise in Byzantine and Islamic Archaeology. Her project critically examines the practices and approaches of Ottoman archaeologists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The project focuses on the establishment of the Imperial Museum, the launch of excavations, and the enactment of antiquities laws. It analyzes how Ottoman archaeologists shaped the perception of their past through strategic expeditions and museum curation, highlighting their contributions to the intellectual and cultural identity of the empire.