The latest volume in our De Gruyter series Chronoi: Time, Time Awareness, Time Management has just been published.
Edited by Julia Fischer, Zwiegespräche über die Zeit (=Conversations about Time) comprises three dialogues on various aspects of time, held at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities on the occasion of Christoph Markschies's sixtieth birthday.
The first dialogue (in German), conducted by Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum and Dagmar Schäfer, explores concepts of time and time awareness in ancient societies. In the second dialog (in English), Ayelet Landau and Anton Zeilinger explore neurological and physical concepts of time. Finally, Julia Fischer and Peter Strohschneider (in German) discuss the central role of time in scientific research and research management. Christoph Markschies concludes the volume with a comprehensive epilogue, suggesting new ideas for future work on time and the perception of time. In addition, Julia von Blumenthal and Georg Essen contribute two introductory remarks (both in German), offering their own insights on the topic.
As with other volumes in the series, this book is now available in both print and open access.