The 2021 sponsorship prize of the Historical Commission of Berlin (Historische Kommission zu Berlin) goes to our BerGSAS scholar Lukas Goldmann for his ongoing PhD project "Island Settlements in the Western Slavic Region: Distribution, Function and Methods of Research", supervised by Prof. Michael Meyer (Free University of Berlin) and Prof. Felix Biermann (University of Szczecin). The project is recognized by the commission as an innovative and "eminently important project for the medieval history of Brandenburg as well as for the history of Germania Slavica".
Mr. Goldmann is completing his PhD within the BerGSAS doctoral program Landscape Archaeology and Architecture, where he is also involved as a student representative. In addition, he is a trained research diver and is active as a volunteer in historic preservation in Brandenburg.
The award will be presented on November 11, 2021, in the Einstein Hall of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Mr. Goldmann will then also present previous research results in a short lecture.
The BerGSAS and the Einstein Center Chronoi sincerely congratulate Mr. Goldman on his award!