The year 2020 has brought with it unexpected events, requiring all of us to adapt and make alternative plans for our calendars. Though we would have preferred to continue meeting for in-person events during this season, we are also excited to explore new digital mediums for the mutual exchange of ideas. Many of you have already joined us for our online Chronoi Talks, or viewed our new Chronoi Answers video series.
Today, however, we are pleased to announce our Chronoi Summer Lecture titled “Mathematik, Informationstechnik und Zeit” by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Grötschel (BBAW), who has worked with the Chronoi Team over the past weeks to produce a video for your intellectual enjoyment. We invite you to join us by watching the digital presentation at your convenience, as we all continue to contemplate time and its related aspects in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary setting.