Our past workshop “Apocalyptic Time” held on May 10, 2021 is now available for watching:
Christoph Markschies (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences)
Concepts of Time in the Forschungsgeschichte of Apocalypticism
Almut Bockisch (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Messianic Time in the Rabbinic Interpretation of the Song of Songs in Shir HaShirim Rabbah
Mark Elliott (Glasgow University)
“This Time It’s Personal”: The Retreat of Political Eschatology during the First Millennium. Some Theological Observations
Emmanouela Grypeou (Stockholm University)
‘The End Has Come and Time Will Go No Further’: The End of Time in the Christ-ian Post-Islamic Apocalyptic Literature
Menahem Ben-Sasson (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Future Times and Exchange of Tasks between Christ and Antichrist in Monotheistic Apocalyptic Traditions