The Einstein Center Chronoi research publications showcase contributions aligned with the Center's thematic agenda. These publications reflect the collaborative and individual achievements of the Center's Fellows, Team Members, Exploration Associates, and BerGSAS graduate students, both past and present, while highlighting the ongoing growth of time-related scholarship. Published works are listed below, sorted alphabetically by the authors' last names. The list is updated regularly as works move from preparation, review, or press to publication. The Center's contributions are also featured prominently in our De Gruyter book series Chronoi: Time, Time Awareness, Time Management. While some publications reflect the dedicated results of EC-C research projects, others were prepared during EC-C fellowships or explorations and may include work not directly related to the associated projects. These works are included as the authors have acknowledged the contributions their time at the Center has made to their research. To clarify the relationship of each publication to the Center, they are labeled as follows:
*** The EC-C is explicitly mentioned in the publication.​
** The author reported the publication as part of the output of their EC-C research project.
* The publication was prepared during the author’s EC-C fellowship period.
Events & ActivitiesThursday Lunch and Tea We meet every Thursday at 1pm for lunch, usually at the cafeteria of the Ethnological Museum ("eßkultur"), and then for a tea or coffee at Chronoi House. We would be delighted to have you join us. Teatime Theories These meetings are held monthly, usually on Thursday afternoons, during the weeks when no Chronoi Talk is scheduled. In these meetings, we will discuss a theoretical text for about an hour in a casual and informal teatime setting. The texts to be discussed are circulated to all fellows by email in advance. Unless otherwise noted, these meetings are held on site. Please contact Felix Wiedemann (felix.wiedemann@fu-berlin.de) with any questions or suggestions. Below you will find the Teatime Theories schedule along with the reading texts for the meeting. Chronoi Talks Our main lecture series, "Chronoi Talks", usually takes place on a Thursday afternoon and provides a platform for EC-C affiliated researchers to present their current work or research results. These meetings are hybrid. Those in Berlin can attend the event in person during their fellowship term. Other current and past fellows can join the meetings online via WebEx (links to the meetings can be found on our event page). For questions about the Chronoi Talks and to schedule your own talk, please contact Stefanie Rabe (rabe@chronoi.org). Check our events page for Chronoi Talks sessions. Junior Chronoi Talks Beginning October 5, 2023, this lecture series will feature monthly talks by our BerGSAS graduate students in fields ranging from ancient studies to geosciences and other natural sciences. These talks will take place on site and online via WebEx. For further information, please contact Cinzia Pappi (cinzia.pappi@fu-berlin.de). Check our events page for Junior Chronoi Talks sessions. Workshops The EC-C organizes workshops and collaborative events related to the EC-C research agenda, both on site and online. Fellows are encouraged to propose workshop ideas related to their research projects. For more information and proposals, please contact Stefanie Rabe (rabe@chronoi.org). For more information, check our events page.
I need a bookThe EC-C offers its fellows a book service (lending, scanning, and online research). Please contact our student assistant, Ismail Bekiroglu (ismail.bekiroglu@fu-berlin.de), with requests for books and articles. You can also find information about the libraries in Berlin, their services, and their catalogs in our Fellowship Manual (PDF).
Print, scan, and copy servicesAt Chronoi House, you can print, scan and copy your documents using our RICOH multifunction device ("printer"). To connect your personal device to the printer, please follow the steps below. Alternatively, there is another HP printer in the house that fellows can use without connectivity issues by using a personal USB stick. Our student assistants and secretary will be happy to help you with any of these issues. For information about the FU's on-campus copy service, click here (in German). For more information about the copy service at the libraries, see our Fellowship Manual (under "Libraries"). Logging on to the FU's VPN allows you to connect to the FU's network and use the FU's printers. To connect your computer to the VPN, please follow these instructions (click for an illustrated guide in German for Windows or macOS): Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect software on your personal device (click to download the installation file for Windows or macOS). Open the software, enter the address of the VPN server: vpn.fu-berlin.de and click "Connect". Enter your ZEDAD username and password and click "OK" (for more on the ZEDAT account, see our Fellowship Manual under "Facilities"). Print The easiest way to print (and scan) is to use the HP printer (on the 2nd floor) with your USB stick. Using the RICOH printer requires the printer to be installed, and previous fellows have often had technical issues installing and using this printer. However, the RICOH printer is much faster and better suited for printing large documents, faster scanning, and printing preferences. To print documents on the RICOH printer from your own computer, make sure your printing authorization is turned on: Open and connect to the ZEDAT portal with your ZEDAT account: https://portal.zedat.fu-berlin.de/ Under Account (top right), click on "Übersicht" Scroll down to "Druck-Berechtigungen" and make sure that "Berechtigung zum Followme-Druck" is enabled ("ja" for on, "nein" for off). If your authorization is still disabled, contact our secretary. If your authorization is enabled, install the FollowMe printer. To install the printer on Windows, please follow the instructions below. MacOS users should download an installation file and follow the instructions in this guide (in German, but with helpful illustrations). Connect your Windows computer to the FU-VPN (see above). Open the Explorer (e.g. via Windows key + "E" or the "This PC" window) and enter the following path in the address bar: \\drucken.campus.fu-berlin.de. A list of all available printers should appear. Right-click on the "FollowMe" printer and select "connect". When prompted for login, enter "FU-BERLIN\username" and your ZEDAT password (under "username", enter your ZEDAT username). Now you can find the FollowMe printer among the printers installed on your computer and select it in the print window of any writing software you use. After sending a document to be printed, log in to the printer with your transponder and select "Print all jobs" ("Alle Aufträge drucken") or "View print jobs" ("Druckaufträge anzeigen") to choose which of the sent documents should be printed. If the printer does not recognize the transponder the first time you log in, you will need to manually enter your ZEDAT username and password. If you still cannot log in, please contact our secretary to make sure your printer access is enabled. Scan To scan with the RICOH printer, log in to the printer with your transponder and select "Scan to E-Mail" (to send the scanned document to your FU email box) or "Scan to H:" (to save the scan to your personal FU home drive [H:]). If the printer does not recognize your transponder, see here. Since large files cannot be sent to your email or often end up in the spam/junk mail folder, using "Scan to H:" is generally recommended over using "Scan to Mail". If you choose to have the scan sent to your mailbox, you can access your FU mailbox with your ZEDAT account via ZEDAT Webmail or via Outlook Web App. If you choose to have the scan sent to your FU home drive, you can access it from one of the PCs with ZEDAT login in the Chronoi House or on campus. Alternatively, you can set up a local web server on your personal computer. Relevant information (for both Windows and MacOS) can be found here (in German, with illustrations. Make sure you are connected to the FU-VPN). Copy To copy with the RICOH printer, log in to the printer with your transponder and select "Copy" ("Kopieren"). If the printer does not recognize your transponder, see here.
Further informationIn our Fellowship Manual, we have included information you may need on the following topics and more (PDF here): Facilities Key and Desk ZEDAT-account WLAN (WI-Fi) VPN Libraries University Libraries of the Freie Universität Berlin Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin University Libraries of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Canteens (Mensa), Cafés and Restaurants near the Chronoi House Getting Around in Berlin Public Transport Cycling Taxi Living in Berlin Welcome Service for Visiting Scholars Accommodations Registering as a resident of Berlin (and opening a bank account) Visa and Health Insurance Visa for citizens of non-EU/EAA countries Health Insurance Family matters and schools Health Care and Emergency Services